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what is bonfire night_

What Is Bonfire Night?

Citizens around the UK light bonfires and enjoy fireworks on the 5th November every year. There’s even a saying people say or sing on the

What Are Barrage Fireworks

What Are Barrage Fireworks?

So you don’t know what a Barrage is, how frustrating! Well, honestly, most people don’t. Barrage fireworks are often known as barrage cakes or compound

A Beginners Guide To Fireworks

A Beginners Guide To Fireworks

There are various types of fireworks and products that you can use for your back garden light show, such as aerials, ground fireworks, novelty fireworks,

fireworks nye london

The Best Fireworks For New Year UK

As the clocks strike midnight on December 31st, heads turn up towards sky all over the world.  And while most fireworks show an adequate drawing

How fireworks work

How Do Fireworks Work?

What is The Chemistry of Fireworks Exploding fireworks happen when a number of chemical reactions happen one after the other. Adding heat to the explosive


History of Fireworks In The UK

Fireworks were more than likely used as far back in the UK as the 13th Century however they did not become as widely known until

fireworks for Diwali online

The Best Fireworks For Diwali

Diwali is a colourful and distinctive religious festival which takes place once a year around the world. It initially originated in India. It is often

how do fireworks work_

How Does Each Type of Firework Work?

Every year, as bonfire night approaches, the sound of explosions begins to become a regular part of the night. Fireworks have existed for approximately 1,000